I liked the online class and how we were still able to talk about the articles, but I did miss the face to face meeting. The discussion board certainly has its pluses and minuses.
I liked hearing more voices, but I had a really hard time trying to remember who each person was. I feel bad that I don't know as many people's names in the class.
However, this did help with understanding of the articles. I did like how Pam helped to guide conversation, helped to get things deeper into the articles, and sometimes, we do not have that level of discourse about individual articles in class.
I would have liked to have the discussion board as a supplement to class discussion for some of the beginning, building block articles at the start of the semester. I was frustrated with structure and how small the box was for threads—maybe smaller groups for next time if we use the discussion board again. This wasn't the same as class, but it was an okay substitute :)
I've used discussion boards in the past and may be able to incorporate one in for the small group work the next time around. It is helpful as an alternative way to think about items. The difficulty is when it gets unwieldy.